Malaysia's new single-family office (SFO) scheme appears to be gaining traction, with wealthy families actively pursuing opportunities to establish operations in the country, according to the Securities Commission of Malaysia (SCM).
Malaysia's new single-family office (SFO) scheme appears to be gaining traction, with wealthy families actively pursuing opportunities to establish operations in the country, according to the Securities Commission of Malaysia (SCM).
Principal Global Investors is boosting its Asia sales team with an eye on China's RQFII programme and the mutual recognition programme between Hong Kong and the mainland.
Affinity Equity Partners is not among the private equity firms seeking to diversify. We profile its chairman, Tang Kok-Yew, who likes life as a value investor and sees no reason to switch.
Indonesia and India face structural obstacles to economic growth from the double whammy of weaker currencies and high oil prices. Lack of fuel subsidy reform is holding both back.
Some form of the financial transaction tax being debated in Europe will come into force, but what the final rules will look like is still unclear, and a decision is some way off.
A glut of regional and global asset managers have mapped out Asia and are on the lookout for targets, but lack of M&A opportunities is forcing them to become more pragmatic.
The UK fund house is looking to install an Asia investments team in a drive to build its presence in the region. It is also considering launching a sharia-compliant fund range.
The bank's senior economist, Frederic Neumann, highlights three reasons why investors should be worried as Asian growth appears predicated on pumping economies full of credit.
While Asia's asset management industry is growing faster than in the west, profitabilty is lower as houses are not diversifying into alternatives enough, finds Boston Consulting Group.
State Street Global Advisors topped AsianInvestor’s rankings of fund houses by absolute assets invested in Asia Pacific. Now it is aiming to increase its penetration and presence.