
Who tops AsianInvestor’s list of moves for 2012?

We publish our view on Asian asset management’s biggest hires of the year. Here you can find out who featured on our 25-strong shortlist.
Who tops AsianInvestor’s list of moves for 2012?

For the third consecutive year, AsianInvestor set out to list the top 10 people moves in the region’s asset management industry over the past 12 months.

We ranked them based, in no particular order, on seniority, size of business, market impact, growth plans, and whether it represents a new initiative or trend.

To view last year’s top 10, please click here. For our first top 10 list published in 2010, please click here.

For this year's version we came up with a shortlist of 25 leading contenders (listed below in alphabetical order). Always a subjective process, it offers a snapshot of the year’s key trends: disintermediation; the rise of passive indexing; cost-cutting and internal transfers; local product manufacturing; use of alternative investments; and the demise of bank-backed asset managers.

In our decision-making we tended to favour those who were hired with a mandate to build a business, or those who we felt represented a trend. Please send your thoughts and feedback to [email protected].

AsianInvestor’s final top 10 list for 2012 is set to be published in our December magazine edition. You can view the final results in our e-magazine, which will be available on our website this week.

The Top 25 contenders
Grant Bailey, exited ING Investment Management

Jane Caire, BNY Mellon (ING Investment Management)

Kerry Ching AMP Capital (formerly Fidelity)

Benjamin Fuchs, BFAM Partners Hong Kong (Nomura)

David Gagnon, exited BlackRock

Andrew Gordon, exited BNY Mellon

Kevin Hardy, BlackRock (Northern Trust)

Sun Jie, Asset Management Association of China (CSRC)

Mark Konyn, Cathay Conning Asset Management (RCM)

Bo Kratz, Northern Trust (Permal)

Jed Laskowitz, JP Morgan (internal)

Don Lee Dong-ik, Korea Investment Corporation (internal)

Jane Leung, BlackRock (internal)

Jack Lin, Pioneer (Janus Capital)

Arne Lindman, exited Fidelity

Jay Luo, Dymon Asia Capital (SAC Capital Advisors)

Mark Machin, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (Goldman Sachs)

Joseph Pacini, BlackRock (JP Morgan)

Sheila Patel, Goldman Sachs (internal)

Chris Ryan, MSCI (Perpetual)

Gerard Satur, MST Capital (UBS)

Kai Sotorp, UBS Global Asset Management (internal)

Phil Tye, exited DragonBack Capital

June Wong, Threadneedle (Alliance Bernstein)

Wang Yawei, Qianhe Capital Management (China Asset Management)

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