
Pioneer Alternative Investments hires Tavneet Bakshi

Morgan Stanley prime broker switches to the fund of funds industry.
Tavneet Bakshi is joining Pioneer Alternative Investments in Hong Kong as senior due diligence analyst in their fund of funds operations.

She joins Pioneer from the Hong Kong office of Morgan Stanley. She has worked at Morgan Stanley for seven years in both London and Hong Kong, and the last five years were spent in the prime brokerage department where she was a vice president.

Her new job is a research-focused position investigating Asian hedge funds. This will be a newly created role for Pioneer Alternative Investments who had previously not had anyone on the ground in Asia in a purely research role.

She will be reporting to Glenda Levin who is based in London. Levin is currently head of European Due Diligence and will also now head Asian due diligence. Initially her role will be a solo one, but the team may be expanded in the future if the business requires more coverage.

So why leave a top flight Wall Street prime brokerage house to do fund of funds? "I like the Pioneer business model and their approach to Asia," she says. "I wanted to explore the allocations side."

Pioneer's Asian operations are centred on Hong Kong, Singapore and Sydney. It retains a large distribution presence in Southeast Asia for its fund of fund products. There is no specific Asian fund of funds product, but Pioneer does invest in Asian managers for its global products.

Pioneer manages 50 funds of funds, a range of single and multi manager hedge funds, managed accounts and structured notes. Pioneer cumulatively has $180 billion in assets under management. Its investor base now extends from private clients and third party distributors through to banks, insurance companies, pension funds and institutions.
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