
Hedge fund allocators set Sail for New York

The Hong Kong-headquartered fund of hedge funds Sail Advisors sends a team to open an office in the Big Apple.

Sail Advisors, the fund of funds business originated by Duty Free Shopper's founder Robert Miller, is getting its own shop in New York.

The new office and its staff will spend their time analysing hedge fund managers who operate out of New York. They're opening because nowadays Sail is very much a fund of funds that offers diversified access to managers globally.

Jeff Tomlinson, Chris Solarz and Shaunak Amin will start in January 2010.  Mike Tomlinson will join later in 2010 on March 1. They are all coming across from ING's former fund of hedge funds team.

The analysts will all report to Hong Kong-based Harold Yoon, the Sail CIO who joined in the middle of 2009, who also migrated from ING. Harold Yoon, in turn, reports to CEO Vincent Duhamel.

The fleet of Sail funds includes ING's former Topaz, Onyx and Asia Pacific Multi-strategies funds of hedge funds. These complement the original Sail flotilla such as the Asia Focus Fund, and the Pacific Explorer Fund.

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